In September of 2021, PLT Health Solutions was officially certified as carbon neutral by CarbonFund.Org. Through April 2023, PLT was certified by CarbonFund.Org to have been responsible for offsetting 1,854 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Today, we remain certified carbon neutral working with ClimeCo. To achieve this certification, we instituted a company-wide emissions reduction program to lower our environmental impact. This has included consolidating our international product shipments to reduce cargo emissions and balancing essential business travel with virtual meetings to reduce air travel emissions. It also includes workplace initiatives such as investment in energy-efficient technologies and moving files and documentation to electronic formats to minimize paper use. Working with ClimeCo, PLT is also contributing to creating carbon emission offsets.
These efforts in becoming carbon neutral are part of a broader Sustainability platform that has been a cornerstone of the PLT business for many years. Around the world, PLT is involved in efforts to support the sustainable growing, harvesting and processing of the raw materials that go into its ingredients as part of its PLT360™ initiative.
The Sustainability platform also includes People+Planet™ initiatives dedicated to promoting human health and quality of life, as well as projects supporting the environment on both land and sea.
One part of the PLT program to go carbon neutral has been our support for the ADPML Portel-Para REDD Project – a tropical forest conservation initiative located in Brazil that combines conservation with community development activities. The Project is a payment for ecosystem services forest conservation project, otherwise known as a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, protecting nearly 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of tropical rainforest. The Project’s main objective is to avoid and prevent unplanned deforestation in native forests, thus avoiding the net emission of 22 million tCO2e through a period of 40 years of the Project’s lifetime. The objective will be achieved by managing the land in the form of a “private conservation reserve” by developing and implementing a management plan. It will include a rigorous monitoring and enforcement plan built upon the existing experience of ongoing surveillance activities in the area taking place since 2008. These scaled-up monitoring activities will actively engage with local villagers who will be trained in forest management and monitoring techniques. The medium-term goal is to encourage forest regeneration - increasing the amount of carbon sequestered in the forest.