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PLT to Focus on Disruptive Science-Backed Beverage Ingredients at IFT First 2024


Morristown, NJ 10 June 2024 – At this year’s IFT First Conference in Chicago, IL USA, PLT Health Solutions, Inc. will be highlighting its growing portfolio of ‘beverage-friendly’ ingredients that provide a broad range of science-backed benefits for the burgeoning functional beverage market. Overall, PLT markets more than a dozen water-dispersible and water-soluble solutions, primarily botanical ingredients across key health categories. At IFT, PLT will be focusing on three major health and wellness segments – energy, active nutrition and stress/mood management. In the last eight months, PLT has launched three new water-soluble and dispersible ingredients: Zynamite® S for mental energy, water-dispersible RipFACTOR® for muscle strength and endurance and a water-soluble version of its adaptogen, Rhodiolife Rhodiola rosea. Each of these botanical complexes required significant R&D to meet the standards of the beverage industry.

According to Steve Fink, Vice President, Marketing for PLT Health Solutions, with consumers increasingly turning to more convenient delivery systems, the company has been engaged in an across-the-board campaign to either create or modify its ingredients to make them formulation-friendly in new delivery systems. “For a variety of reasons, beverages present a range of challenges when it comes to consumer sensory and experience. This is especially true when it comes to plant-based and botanical ingredients” he said. “In approaching this development work, we’ve focused on things beverage producers want: uniform particle size and density, good water dispersibility/solubility, neutral taste and color and stability. At the same time, our beverage-friendly ingredients maintain features that every product developer wants they are fast-acting to the point of being experiential, they are low dose and maybe most importantly, they are backed by quality clinical science,” he added.

Highlighting Three Hot Health & Wellness Categories

Most industry authorities consider functional beverages to be one of the fastest growing segments of the natural products industry. At IFT, PLT will be featuring beverage-friendly ingredients focusing on three health categories: energy, active nutrition and stress/mood.

PLT offers both stimulant and non-stim energy ingredients with its zumXR® Targeted Release Caffeine and Zynamite® – via the recently introduced Zynamite S format.

Active Nutrition

As part of its burgeoning Sports/Active Nutrition portofolio, beverage friendly ingredients will include MegaNatual-BP® grape seed extract for enhanced blood flow and endurance, RipFACTOR® Muscle Accelerator with extensive clinical science demonstrating improved muscle strength and endurance and finally Slendacor® Weight Management Complex, that offers non-stimulant calorie burning and weight loss. Both MegaNatural-BP and Slendacor also have clinically demonstrated cardiometabolic benefits.


For the white hot stess/mood and cognitive health category, PLT will be showcasing Rhodiolife® Rhodiola rosea that leads the exciting adaptogen trend and Zembrin® Sceletium tortuosum, that has extensive cliinical work showing reduced stress and enhanced mood in less than 2 hours from ingrestion.

Accordiing to Fink, PLT is excited to engage the IFT audicence with ingredients that can help form the basis for innovative, disruptive beverages. “When it comes to functional beverages, ubiquitous ingredients like protein, vitamins and minerals are a great starting point, but today’s consumers are looking for more impactful, and innovative health benefits. They want more functionality in their functioinal beverages,” he said. “The clinical science behind these PLT ingredients and the front-of-pack messaging they can support will help consumer products companies create a great deal of excitement in the market,” he added.